my dad accidently caught a parakeet (and when i say accidently i mean the bird flew into our window and my dad rescued it)... my dad and his friend Todd were sitting in the garage when the bird flew himself into our window... dad said it made him a 'lil lulu' so he told Todd to hand him the fishing net... using the fishing net he caught the bird.
then came the naming of the new addition to the Garcia household. Todd said they both caught the bird so he should be call Both... my dad says "All you did was hand me the net, you didnt do nothin. I'm the one that did the catching." hahahahhaha
my dad has had this antique bamboo bird cage for ever so he put Both in there... he had no bird feed so he gave him some trail mix... Both didn't like it... then Dad gave him some David's Sunflower seeds... Jalapeño flavored... it was the preferred of the two
i damn near died from laughing... im afraid Both wont live longer than a week...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
my lovelies!
what's good? what's happening? what's new?
nothing new to report really... me n moms just handling our biznissssss
summers coming, ya know how I know?!?! the other night I heard the cicadas chirping for the firt time since last November AND I'm having an allergic reaction to the heat. all my life I was told that I do not have any allergies but lo n behold I'm actually allergic to the heat. I get these weird bumpy looking things on my digits (woopah! threw an anatomy word atcha; digits aka philanges aka fingers... look it up). well any who I think the dermatologist said something about the tops of your fingers not having sweat glands and since my body is trying to produce sweat to cool it off due to the extreme heat blah blah medical term blah medical term blah. so ima go see a derma here close to my place.
yesterday mom was able to get her blood work done and get an uber exclusive appointment with her specialist for this afternoon. she says her legs are all better but i think she should still check it out... better be to cleared and in good health... than have her in a wheel chair. ya know?
funny thing tho, her first night her she was saying how she's alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll better and she probably didn't need to go see the doctor but then I chewed her out, gave her a piece of my mind and told her to go see her doctor and you know what she said?!?!?! and I quote,
"Yes, Mom."
I damn near died of laughter... forreal and not for fake.
well later tonight her n her school friends are getting together for dinner n a pow wow. so that means I'm pretty much going to be left out of most of the conversation. so I decided to drag along my friend Abraham. he's the coolest kid on the block, don't be jealous. hahahah He's actually my moms classmates son, I've known him for like ever n a day. it'll be fun and it'll be nice to have someone to talk to.
well off to start the day. love ya today n everyday
Sunday, April 17, 2011
ello lovelies
Got sick again =[ sad face indeed. it's not so bad this around it seems to have only effected my throat. the result? I sound like I swallowed a frog. this ain't no sexy sick raspy voice. this is 13 year old boy hitting puberty voice cracking ugliness.
letsee I'm writing this in my handy dandy iPod (haha every time I say handy dandy I feel like should end it with notebook heeeeeey throwback to the Blues Clues days woot woot...) actually I'm technically writing on the 16th. I'm staying at my 舅舅s house because he's kind enough provide a ride to the airport to get my mom.
that's right folks while you're reading this me n the Momster will be trippin the light fantastic around Taiwanderland. well hopefully, she did come here with certain things she needs to handle. she's definitely gotta hit up her Dr for a check up and possibly refilling her Rx n what not. I'm really sad her trip is only for 4 days, it's SO short but ya know moms she's short on time cuz she's always so busy. we don't have anything solid planned but I'm sure we'll be hittin up the fam bam and Auntie Amy of course.
I know one of my classmates wants to meet the Momster (I just think she wants to meet the person who created the weird n wonderfully wacky me) we'll see if we can pack that all into her 4 days.
oh man you should have seen me Saturday morning before leaving for my Uncles. I was a cleaning machine; cleaned my room, did laundry, tidied up the kitchen, then packed n got ready to come goTaoyuan. I'm happy to say Momster will come over to a spik n span house. =]
letsee I'm writing this in my handy dandy iPod (haha every time I say handy dandy I feel like should end it with notebook heeeeeey throwback to the Blues Clues days woot woot...) actually I'm technically writing on the 16th. I'm staying at my 舅舅s house because he's kind enough provide a ride to the airport to get my mom.
that's right folks while you're reading this me n the Momster will be trippin the light fantastic around Taiwanderland. well hopefully, she did come here with certain things she needs to handle. she's definitely gotta hit up her Dr for a check up and possibly refilling her Rx n what not. I'm really sad her trip is only for 4 days, it's SO short but ya know moms she's short on time cuz she's always so busy. we don't have anything solid planned but I'm sure we'll be hittin up the fam bam and Auntie Amy of course.
I know one of my classmates wants to meet the Momster (I just think she wants to meet the person who created the weird n wonderfully wacky me) we'll see if we can pack that all into her 4 days.
oh man you should have seen me Saturday morning before leaving for my Uncles. I was a cleaning machine; cleaned my room, did laundry, tidied up the kitchen, then packed n got ready to come goTaoyuan. I'm happy to say Momster will come over to a spik n span house. =]
(wooooo flash forward)
Mom got into Taoyuan safe n sound!
Uncle Henry was kind enough to put my up for the night and pick up Momster from the airport at 6 this morning.
We had breakfast together and he dropped us off in Taipei.
my moms been unpacking and hell to the YEAH she brought me the real Saracha sauce and Salt N Vinegar Pringles...
I kid you not the Pringles is already half gone
and have found a nice home in my tummy.
mmm yummo
EY Foooooo
(thas what I call my sister just in case you didn't know)
謝 謝,謝 謝你
Mommy gave me your gift.
GLEE season 1 FTW!!
Monday, April 11, 2011
my heart just broke...
my truck...
the water pump in my truck busted
Pop's is taking him into the shop in a lil bit...
I feel like I should be pacing back n forth.
& my scraper...
Dad hit something and its been parked at the house every since....
poor Mattress
my poor lil ♥ can't take it
my CARS!!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
and another thing...
Seriously don’t know what’s wrong with me… I know yall thinkin oh lawd here she go again…. complain complain complain…
Yea that’s right, I’m a complainer….
FOR ONCE I would like to see the best friend get the girl! Never ever will you see the guy who tries SOOOOOO hard to get the girl actually get her in the end… it’s always the guy who cheated, or he's a liar, or a rich playboy… always the reformed person who gets the girl… EVERY single one of the dramas I’ve seen, the better man never gets the girl… and it pisses me off. juuuuusssssssSayin
So yeah, I really don’t know what’s wrong with me… I always root for the underdog knowing who’ll win out in the end… I kid you not, its torture watching it all unfold…
le sigh
le sigh
but I can’t stop watching.
Yeah, well I’m working on it…
EeeeeeeeeeeeeeGAD! Readership is down 200%! At least that’s what the Statcounter shows… nooo problem 都是我的錯, 我很久沒寫,我真的很抱歉。I will honestly try to write more. I know I always say that… so we’ll see how it works out this time around.
I think I’ve turned into a 苦瓜… just hella bitter… I think I probably should have made this trip with a friend or something. I’m constantly surrounded by people but I feel alone… really it’s almost palpable.
My only companion is my music… it’s probably my best friend here… but for a people person… I’m kinda missing the people part. Heh
I’m workin on making friends but it’s the same ol same ol… people at my school come n go like it’s a revolving door. I suppose it’s not so different than back home… I feel like I’m always the one calling, always left waiting for people to finally be the ones to ask me to hang out… cuz we all know I never ask to tag along, I never invite myself places or crash someone elses party.
I can’t really say much about having made Taiwanese friends. I have a couple… I think… but have yet to really hang out with any of them… weird, yes, I know.
Lesssssssssssssssseee what else… class is going better?
Chinese is coming a little bit easier but I just don’t have any opportunities to practice. It’s weird to feel things clickin in my brain but without having anyone to practice it with my learning is still movin at a snails pace.
Ya know what I don’t think there’s anything else to say… not unless you wanna hear me keep on complainin about the same ol same ol shiz…. I mean even I’m tired of feelin this way…
It’s not like I’m happy being this way but I can honestly say 我沒有辦法… I don’t know how to change it… I have no way to change it…maybe I should focus on finding a job…
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A's to your Q's
don't forget kiddies!
feel free to email me !
and... to always wash behind your ears
and floss
wear clean underwear everday
you DON'T want to
get caught wearing your Tuesday underwear on a Wednesday
wear clean underwear everday
you DON'T want to
get caught wearing your Tuesday underwear on a Wednesday
Saturday, April 2, 2011
this is an all in one kinda thing
我很抱歉 =|
I haven’t written in a dumb ass long time… I have a feeling this bloggy is gonna be a lil schitzo… a lil sassy… a lil bitter… a lil funny… but a lotta flavor… don’t get caught up though… I’m perfectly fine, happy n content… REAL talk… these just some things I needa express…
This country is giving me a complex… seriously…
Dark vs. Light
I’m too dark… but have no fear, there are PLENTY of bleaching creams out there… and if I can’t physically get lighter, make up is the solution! Becaaaaaaaaaaaaaause THERE ARE NO DARK COMPLEXION beauty products here… even the international bands like L'ORÉAL, Maybelline and BENEFIT don’t import the darker shades of foundation. I tried to get BENEFIT’s You Rebel in its regular shade but I couldn’t because it because it’s too dark, WTF?! it’s the REGULAR shade… here they only have the You Rebel Lite … (I bet all the guys are like wuhhhhhhhhhhh?! hahahaha sorry about the make up talk)
le sigh… well after being here for 9 months (HOLY TIME BATMAN HAVE I REALLY BEEN HERE FOR 9 MONTHS, yes, yes I have…amazing aint it?!) it looks like I’m lightening up anyway… I’m so pale I think people might actually start to believe me when I say I’m half white hahahaha even my dad demoted me from my lifelong shade of paper sack tan to Casper white. SMH yall…
le sigh… well after being here for 9 months (HOLY TIME BATMAN HAVE I REALLY BEEN HERE FOR 9 MONTHS, yes, yes I have…amazing aint it?!) it looks like I’m lightening up anyway… I’m so pale I think people might actually start to believe me when I say I’m half white hahahaha even my dad demoted me from my lifelong shade of paper sack tan to Casper white. SMH yall…
In the Land of Stick Figures
No doubt that the best places to shop in Taiwan are the night markets... shopping there is soooooo cheap... to bad everything is "ONE SIZE" or as they like to call it “FREE SIZE” so a person with love handles, spare tires, curves, hips, n boobs are all shit outta luck.
First of all… people do not come in one size… ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL PEOPLE…
Secondly… FREE size does not make me feel free…
I guess I’m kinda lucky that the girls here like the wear things loose cuz I wear my shit fitted. So when I wear their “baggy” styles it actually look not so bad on me ahahah…
I’m tired of folks saying “ Oh, Alicia if only you were skinny, you’d be so beautiful… blah blah blah…”
If you’ve read the “The FAT Girl” post then you already know I done got called fat by some Captain Douche, ohhhhhhhhhh I can’t even tell you how heated I was… and faster than lightening I went Oakland on him… yall don’t even know... I’ve never even been in a fight back home but I was really gonna knock this dude out…
Perrrrrrrrrhaps I wouldn’t be so butt hurt if I didn't just lost some weight…
(wellllllllllllll if you start count from my heaviest weight… I’ve lost a total of +25lbs give or take…)
So back to the night markets… I try n buy something there and the shop girls very frankly tell me that they don’t have anything in my size, dismiss me and move on to the next customer. If you ever want want a blow to the ego...
I’m left having to shop in actual stores where they have real sizes (and yes the quality is a bit better) but the prices are 3 times what I’d pay in a night market.
Listen up folks...
I KNOW I'm not fat...
I KNOW I'm not ugly...
these things that people people say...
yes they're hurtful...
but I'm ok, really.
I know not everyone will find me
cute or beautiful or desirable
they have the right to say whatever they like...
it just hurts to actually hear it for yourself.
Trust me though...
just cuz I got my feelings hurt it does not mean
I believe what they say...
what I do believe in is my self worth...
and baby...
I'm priceless.
I KNOW I'm not fat...
I KNOW I'm not ugly...
these things that people people say...
yes they're hurtful...
but I'm ok, really.
I know not everyone will find me
cute or beautiful or desirable
they have the right to say whatever they like...
it just hurts to actually hear it for yourself.
Trust me though...
just cuz I got my feelings hurt it does not mean
I believe what they say...
what I do believe in is my self worth...
and baby...
I'm priceless.
Out and about, nights out on the town… yeah, not really…
Don’t be fooled by the pictures yalll…. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be… I might be going out but it’s pretty much outta desperation… the only time I do go out is to accompany my friend to what's become our 'usual' place... and the reason we go back weekend... after weekend after weekend after weekend.... is..... fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can’t really reveal my friends secret… but anyways let’s just say we go out to chill…. That’s all I can say.
I know whatchu thinkin… “Alicia, outta desperation? Is it really that bad?” and my reply? “Naw… you know me even if I’m chillin I’m still having a good time.” I mean would I rather be out there gettin down with the get down out on the dance floor hellllll to the YEAH but what am I suppose to do? My girl don’t dance so where am I? sittin next to her, posted, chillin…
Friends… yup still don’t have any…
At least not like the ones I have back home… Yeah, yeah I know that sounds hella mean… but come on really… my ride or die chicks are still back in Cali where I left em… and I can’t seem to find none here.
I know if my Taiwan girls read this it might start some shit but… idk… whatevs…
My friend (and yeah that’s singular) here… she don’t like to go out… introvert to the max… the only thing we have in common is our love of food… yall laugh but its true.
Funny that she's the biggest introvert I know but she's the one I've been going out with. Like I just said I go out with her because I’m desperate to get outta the house… but as I said I cannot reveal the real reason as to why we go out and why it is always to that particular bar/club.
Here's the effed up part of it all... every time I ask her to go out… it’s pretty much always no…
Here's the effed up part of it all... every time I ask her to go out… it’s pretty much always no…
And I can’t fault her, forreal cuz thas just who she is. I know that, I know who she is, I know how she is... so I can’t really be mad… I can’t…
I know the answer is no because the places I want to go require traveling and blah blah blah blah.... so I guess I can be mad at the situatiooonn but definitely not mad at her.
I know the answer is no because the places I want to go require traveling and blah blah blah blah.... so I guess I can be mad at the situatiooonn but definitely not mad at her.
There is this other girl here whose mad cool but she’s here on scholarship and is constantly restricted by her budget… and we all know life costs money. So I can’t very well fault her either…
Last quarter is this quarter, say what?!
That’s right lady n germs, even though I passed my achievement test I decided to retake the quarter. I actually have my teacher from first quarter. She knows what the situation is and has definitely been helping me focus on my speaking… its coming a long… kinda.
The stress level is WAY down… I find myself sleeping better… it’s just a matter of getting on regular, normal hour sleeping schedule. My new class is back to the 12-2 time slot… although the time slot is the worst possible if I want to try and see my family for lunch but its been working out with trying to readjust my sleepies.
9 months in and I’m still not speaking Chinese…it’s my fault I know this…
I haven’t made any Taiwanese friends…
all my friends still only speak in English…
watching Taiwan dramas is fun and addicting but it only helps with listening and understanding…
but as I’ve said before… what kind of Alicia would I be if I was mute…
I feel so limited by my vocabulary I can’t help but to always switch back into English…
one more thing...
i feel like im the only one trying...
ok so i dont post every day but i eventually get to it... and these posts are open and honest and not at all easy to write... and i get a couple FB posts? a 'hey how ya doin?'... how about an email?
seems like i'm the only one calling... and 1 time out of 20 will someone actually pick up... how about actually getting SKYPE like you said you would...
people said they'd come see me but i know no one will... this i can forgive... errrbody be broke nowadays but i can still dream...
and in the end... come this fall (date still undecided) the fact of the matter is it will still be me who comes to you.
I'm tired, and maybe I should just stop looking back towards home...
Maybe I should focus on the here. But I doubt it'd matter... the people I spent most of my time with (family excluded) don't even bother with me... outta sight outta mind
One of my favorite people in the whole wide world stopped talking to me way back in Sept/Oct-ish... she refuses to respond on FB, I've sent messages, called and left a couple messages and texts and it hurts my heart... but i can only be on this end for so long... i gave up
I can't make people miss me...
even if they miss me
I can't make them talk to me...
even if they talk to me
I can't make them say something more than Hey, Hi, Hello, How ya doin?
I knew this could happen, I was afraid this would happen... but it was my choice to come here so I accept this. When I do decide to come home, I've decided not post the dates here. When I come home I will spend my time with my family and my soon to be born nephew (he's due in about 6 weeks, and no not my real nephew, my best friend slash college room mates'). My time is for those who've made time for me.
one more thing...
i feel like im the only one trying...
ok so i dont post every day but i eventually get to it... and these posts are open and honest and not at all easy to write... and i get a couple FB posts? a 'hey how ya doin?'... how about an email?
seems like i'm the only one calling... and 1 time out of 20 will someone actually pick up... how about actually getting SKYPE like you said you would...
people said they'd come see me but i know no one will... this i can forgive... errrbody be broke nowadays but i can still dream...
and in the end... come this fall (date still undecided) the fact of the matter is it will still be me who comes to you.
I'm tired, and maybe I should just stop looking back towards home...
Maybe I should focus on the here. But I doubt it'd matter... the people I spent most of my time with (family excluded) don't even bother with me... outta sight outta mind
One of my favorite people in the whole wide world stopped talking to me way back in Sept/Oct-ish... she refuses to respond on FB, I've sent messages, called and left a couple messages and texts and it hurts my heart... but i can only be on this end for so long... i gave up
I can't make people miss me...
even if they miss me
I can't make them talk to me...
even if they talk to me
I can't make them say something more than Hey, Hi, Hello, How ya doin?
I knew this could happen, I was afraid this would happen... but it was my choice to come here so I accept this. When I do decide to come home, I've decided not post the dates here. When I come home I will spend my time with my family and my soon to be born nephew (he's due in about 6 weeks, and no not my real nephew, my best friend slash college room mates'). My time is for those who've made time for me.
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So, This is me...

- alicia in TAiWANDERLAND
- I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥