Tuesday, April 19, 2011

my lovelies!

what's good? what's happening? what's new?

nothing new to report really... me n moms just handling our biznissssss

summers coming, ya know how I know?!?! the other night I heard the cicadas chirping for the firt time since last November AND I'm having an allergic reaction to the heat. all my life I was told that I do not have any allergies but lo n behold I'm actually allergic to the heat. I get these weird bumpy looking things on my digits (woopah! threw an anatomy word atcha; digits aka philanges aka fingers... look it up). well any who I think the dermatologist said something about the tops of your fingers not having sweat glands and since my body is trying to produce sweat to cool it off due to the extreme heat blah blah medical term blah medical term blah. so ima go see a derma here close to my place.

yesterday mom was able to get her blood work done and get an uber exclusive appointment with her specialist for this afternoon. she says her legs are all better but i think she should still check it out... better be to cleared and in good health... than have her in a wheel chair. ya know?

funny thing tho, her first night her she was saying how she's alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll better and she probably didn't need to go see the doctor but then I chewed her out, gave her a piece of my mind and told her to go see her doctor and you know what she said?!?!?! and I quote,

"Yes, Mom."

I damn near died of laughter... forreal and not for fake.

well later tonight her n her school friends are getting together for dinner n a pow wow. so that means I'm pretty much going to be left out of most of the conversation. so I decided to drag along my friend Abraham. he's the coolest kid on the block, don't be jealous. hahahah He's actually my moms classmates son, I've known him for like ever n a day. it'll be fun and it'll be nice to have someone to talk to.

well off to start the day. love ya today n everyday

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So, This is me...

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I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥