Sunday, April 17, 2011

ello lovelies

Got sick again =[ sad face indeed. it's not so bad this around it seems to have only effected my throat. the result? I sound like I swallowed a frog. this ain't no sexy sick raspy voice. this is 13 year old boy hitting puberty voice cracking ugliness.

letsee I'm writing this in my handy dandy iPod (haha every time I say handy dandy I feel like should end it with notebook heeeeeey throwback to the Blues Clues days woot woot...) actually I'm technically writing on the 16th. I'm staying at my 舅舅s house because he's kind enough provide a ride to the airport to get my mom.

that's right folks while you're reading this me n the Momster will be trippin the light fantastic around Taiwanderland. well hopefully, she did come here with certain things she needs to handle. she's definitely gotta hit up her Dr for a check up and possibly refilling her Rx n what not.  I'm really sad her trip is only for 4 days, it's SO short but ya know moms she's short on time cuz she's always so busy.  we don't have anything solid planned but I'm sure we'll be hittin up the fam bam and Auntie Amy of course.

I know one of my classmates wants to meet the Momster (I just think she wants to meet the person who created the weird n wonderfully wacky me) we'll see if we can pack that all into her 4 days.

oh man you should have seen me Saturday morning before leaving for my Uncles. I was a cleaning machine; cleaned my room, did laundry, tidied up the kitchen, then packed n got ready to come goTaoyuan. I'm happy to say Momster will come over to a spik n span house. =]

(wooooo flash forward)
Mom got into Taoyuan safe n sound!
Uncle Henry was kind enough to put my up for the night and pick up Momster from the airport at 6 this morning.
We had breakfast together and he dropped us off in Taipei.

my moms been unpacking and hell to the YEAH she brought me the real Saracha sauce and Salt N Vinegar Pringles...
I kid you not the Pringles is already half gone
and have found a nice home in my tummy.
mmm yummo

EY Foooooo
(thas what I call my sister just in case you didn't know)

謝 謝,謝 謝
Mommy gave me your gift.
GLEE season 1 FTW!!

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So, This is me...

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I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥