Wednesday, February 23, 2011

tally ho!

Thanks DocV… I’ve actually been writing this post in my handy dandy iPod touch for the past 2 weeks… (Apple endorsement not intended)... but I had yet to tweek, spellcheck, and cut the whine and complaints down to a minimum. So thanks for reminding me of my blogosity duties.

Its starts out with a rumor...

I don't where it started but my cousins wife asked me when in March I'll be coming home.

whaaaaaaaaaaaa?! I didn't know I was coming home, man o man I wish I could though. 
I'm sure I've written about it more than a million times by now, I'll try and come home for a visit in September. But what's the point of saying it again for the umpteenth time? The people who read the blog already know and the people who don't, heh think I'm coming home in March. I'm trying not to sound bitter but as the number of months I'm here in TW grows the fewer the hits on my statcounter for the blog. I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad I swear... it just is what it is. For those who read, this obviously DOES NOT apply to you so please don't take it to heart kk?

I've never expected anyone to read my shit anyway soooooooooo just pretend you didn’t read what I just wrote, seriously… go wash your eyes. I mean I know some people read cuz they leave comments and shiiiiizzzzz… Then there’s the super stalker status Statcounter which can give me everything including your city, state, and even ISP # muahhahahaha I’m watching you… yeah… not like I check I don’t even know what ISP means… 
I just like seeing the little dots pop up on my map…
If it makes you feel better it makes me happy to see hits I get outside of CA n GA. jussSayin

(Speaking of hits on the blog the numbers had a quick fast spike since I put up the picture of the new doo… which BTW I will be changing again tomorrow… I’m due for a trim and I’ve decided to go back to the blue… or maybe just 86 the colors and go back to the blonde… decisions, decisions… I feel pretty, oh so pretty… pretty n witty…)

[INTERJECTION: just got off a SKYPE vid chat with the folks… and my mommy says I really spill my guts on this blog… pardon the mess… I love you for sticking through it though.]

In all honesty what I write isn't necessarily important... just proof that I'm still alive, that I’m eating, doing my homework, and all that junk. 99.9% of what I gotta say is nothing but word vomit. Especially recently since I called whine-11 so I can take a ride on the wahhhhhhhmbulance. I know I've been super duper uber complainey, if you could see me I'm pulling a
小鬼, kowtowing and saying "
對不起!" (CLiCK ON ME)

I know I'm not writing to leave a big impression on the world or on people. I'm not looking for a Julie & Julia kinda situation... Therapy is expensive and blogging only costs me $FREE.99. 

soooooo I know I was suppose to give a report on that big ol test I had... FIRST I JUST WANT TO LET YOU ALLL DOWN VERY GENTLY... I passed. yay me. I even did better than some of my classmates. Surprised?! I'm sure as hell am!!!!! I thought I was gonna fail with flying colors but I think I've come to decision (even before the test) that regardless pass/no pass I'm probably goin to retake the quarter. I’m in the talks with the Momster about it… I'm just not confident enough to move on. 

If you're my friend on The Book of Faces (my personal page not the fanpage- … that's the fanpage...let’s be friends =P) then you'll know how much of a life ruiner my insomnia has become. yup I've been getting reacquainted with my new old best friend. It's been a while since we've reconnected and now we’re back together and closer than ever. greeeeeeeeeeeeat. le sigh. Laying in bed for 3 hours without falling asleep or not being able to sleep at all. Sometimes I just have to go without sleep for a couple days and wait till my body gives up. 

I tried talking to my teacher to try explain to her why I haven't been myself lately, why my mood has been kinda erratic, and why I miss class sometimes (and if you're wondering about me ditching class for sleep... you'd understand if you hadn't slept for 48+ hrs)
She didn't know what insomnia is (at least in English) so I tried to explain and she scolded me and told me I wasn't concentrating hard enough. yeeeeeah, I didn't know how to respond to that one either. hahahahah

Maybe a month ago I had gone to the doctors and he gave me some form of generic Ambien and boy does that shit knock you out and I was only takin half a pill at a time.
It was tough but I even gave it the allotted 8-10 hrs of sleepy time but it was still difficult to wake up and shake off the sleepies in the AM. So maybe Ambien, generic or not, might not be the best solution. I'll wait till the new quarter starts and see where my stress level is and if one really has anything to do with the other. 

Speaking of stressosity the end of the quarter is FINALLY here… woot woot I’m doin a happy dance around the room… it’s quite embarrassing, I can assure you. I hope that our 4 day mini break will recharge me and the coming quarter will be better. If I decide to repeat the class, then I’ll only be learning it twice as well, right?! If I decide to move on 我一定會加油!!! (Translation… I WILL; Keep Going! Press on! CHARGE! TALLLLLLY HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!)

I made a friend... too bad she's possibly leaving in the summer to be in Germany for a year... Lemme tell you... she's HELLA fun.

Just a reminder if you want to see me write other meaningless blurbs... pictures I find funny/interesting... Youtube videos and/or songs I'm currently replaying over n over n over... with the occasional funny GIF thrown in... stroll on over the my tumblr (completely un-goneandsaidit related but just as entertaining =]... SWEAR! girl scouts honor... well I was a brownie... but you know what I mean) 
here's an example of a funny GIF.


  1. Then you've probably seen me come in and out without leaving comments! :] Just don't really know what to say.. but I guess I'll try to leave a comment when I read something and it may be pretty short and random.. if you don't mind.

    Blogging.. sometimes help people feel better. Thinking through things and letting it out.. rather than having it bundled up inside which might be more stressful. And I think you kinda rethink certain things before you say what you gotta say.. which kinda helps? x=

    Congrats on passing your exam. :] I did something similar to that once.. with the whole retaking a class when I felt that I didn't learn enough or wouldn't do so well in the next.. but what happened was I learned the material after the test? Didn't take that into account and when I took it again.. the class ended up being slower and easier.. =x

    Best of luck with your decision, though. Because either way.. you'll learn something. Kinda just more or less.. work, stress.. and whatever else that comes along with either one. Maybe you can.. write a list of advantages and disadvantages for each? aiono.. just a thought. :]

    And aiono how you can stay up for so long! Poor you. I hope your insomnia situation gets better too.. because that's a lot of hours.

    (Sorry, for such a long comment. =o!)

  2. AW Rosie! its ok.... i know the people who matter already read and thats good enough for me =)

    thanks for the words of encouragement. its much appreciated. I hope you're doin well, it certainly has been a while since O High


So, This is me...

My photo
I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥