Wednesday, February 9, 2011

taDOW! how do ya like me NOW!?

Thought I'd give ya a sweet sugar shock n write another post. Yay me!

Warning: this one’s kinda schitzo...

Currently I am both happy and insane or maybe I'm insanely happy... no that’s not it, maybe I'm happily insane... that sounds like it's on the right track... but hmmm am I really content to be insane?... ehhhhhhhhh not really... ok back to the original...

happy aaaaaaannnnd insane. 

let's do the insane first... insomnia is a life ruiner...
it ruins lives

So I just had a 10 daybreak from school for the Lunar New Year (yay for the much needed break, boo for not getting any studying done)
almost every night I wasn’t able to fall asleep till 3 or 4ish in the morning ugghhhhh 

3 of those nights I didn't sleep at all

I don't know what's wrong with me, the obvious answer is stress. How exactly am I supposed to fix that though?

And please if someone ELSE tells me that exercise works, I will find you and I WILL thump you on the forehead... HARD. 

Maybe having all that time off was actually a bad thing... we all know that it’s a dangerous thing to let Alicia think [too much].

and the happy?

I think after finally having got the last post off my chest I feel tons better. Am I outta my funk? definitely not but I do feel better. 

Tomorrow is my big achievement test at school and I think once I get past tomorrow I'll feel even better. I'll know for sure if I'll be moving to the next level and every day I get closer to the end of this quarter I feel more and more relieved. 

I'm still really frustrated when it comes to speaking and everyone keeps telling me to get friends hahah seriously?! who YOU tellin?!?!

Sooooo where's the happy in all of this? helllllo this is me we're talkin about. I think I'm the only one weird enough of this planet that can be happy and not at the same time. Told ya time n time again I'm just not that deep... and Hey I don't mind, keep it simple and life’s easier to smile at even when you're wading waist deep through craptasticness.

I know I make no sense. but hopefully that's just one of the reasons you love me.  Don't forget to smile kiddies... ok I luh ya buh byeee...

p.s. I've recently become a target for mosquitoes... good gaaaawwwwd yall 7 bites in one night, this morning a mosquito was quietly waiting for me in the elevator, at school a couple were lurching underneath the bench I was studying... I'm completely surrounded... I'm totally effed. 

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So, This is me...

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I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥