Wednesday, February 23, 2011


i love you two more than the nights we spent watching harry potter, on our favorite couch, with $5 pizza and a bottle of wine...


  1. Well? What happened with your test? Did you confidently breeze through the questions or did you tear it to shreds and storm out of the room?


    awwww bebe i miss those nights! can't believe that was almost a year ago!! we'll all reunite soon and watch HP again while we grub on cheap pizza and beer (or wine for me ;D)

    <3 <3 <3

  3. Yes, one day very soon we will reunite... it will feel so good...

    then i will chuck a box of chocolates at you n Mel and proclaim my love for Romilda Vane, It's NO JOKE!

  4. Your bravery and stick-to-it-ness amaze me every post my dear! I truly believe this experience will forever be referenced as a defining point in your life. You will learn so much! I'm so proud of you. You are such an inspiration. I can tell this mess is hard at times. H-A-R-D! And lemme tell you, I may not be in another hemisphere but I feel you on the going out on a limb in search of self, life, happiness and all of the above. Every time I read, you inspire me to post. I'm always afraid what I say wont be interesting enough and no one is reading anyway! But I guess it doesn't matter does it? It's my virtual timeline.

    I feel you on the insomnia! I don't have it to the same degree but it takes me way too long to fall asleep! I've been sick more times in the past six months than I have in the past 5 yrs combined. As with anything in life, I'm much better at giving advice than taking free to trash this, I wont be offended. My thoughts are to breathe deeply. I.E. Meditate. Lemme tell you, that shiiiz is H-A-R-D. Meditating seems like the perfect opportunity for my mind to wonder to all of my fear, doubt and worry. But what I'm learning is, our surface mind sabotages our true nature. We actually have all we need in every moment at every time. We just tell ourselves we are missing something. All you need, you already have. Strength, bravery, courage, intelligence, BEAUTY! And the love of so many rooting for you. You can do this love! If you need to vent on here do it! it's your blog! Venting is awesome. don't keep it all inside to whittle away at your soul. Let it out and lock the door behind it. HUGS!

  5. actually very dound advice...

    there are moments where i forget how to breath


So, This is me...

My photo
I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥