Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My sweets!

Nothing but good news?! Maybe, sure, yeah why not =)

Don’t die of shock that I’m writing so soon… I need you to be alive for when I come home for a visit because I fully intend to get hugs from everyone… I miss hugs… they just don’t do it here… and somewhere I don’t remember where I heard or read... whatevs but they said to live happily you need a least 5 hugs a day… and I must say I’m a believer.

I ran into my old classmate and he gave me the best hug ever and it was nice and I realized I haven’t really had a proper hug since my mom was here in April, before that, November when she was here, and before that back in July when I saw my Mom and sister off. Le sigh how sad that I can count on one hand how many hugs I’ve gotten.

SOOOOOO in conclusion my pets, when I come home for a visit, I want everyone to queue up cuz Alicia wants hugs… and I’m not tryna brag or nothing but I’ve heard I give pretty effin AWESOME hugs, it’s a win-win situation.

OVER IT gosh darnit

Oh just so yall know… I’m sayin this cuz I know the last several posts I was being all sensitive and shit but I don’t want yall to worry or nothing… cuz I’m totally over the fat thing… my future rule of thumb starting now… as long as my stomach does not protrude farther than my boobs I think I’m good… hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha besides fat people are harder to kidnap.

Now that I’m over that my biggest concern, or rather, issue is finding clothes that fit and aren’t all bedazzled out or gots frills and lace and doo-dads all over the place… hahahhaa


So this past Sunday July 3rd I went to a soccer match. It was a FIFA qualifier between Taiwan and Malaysia’s soccer teams. It was a good game and it was tons of fun, made some new friends and I got to hang out with the coolest kids on the block (shouts to my new friends Mike aka South Bay, Tim, n Andrew), drank some delicious grapefruit green tea, braved the heat together, and cheered on Taiwan. It was awesome. Try not to be too jeals… =)

Honestly I was impressed with Malaysia’s team, they had their shiz together and they had a really good goalie but in the end Taiwan won 3 to 2… yay us.

I did miss watching soccer with a Spanish speaking announcer… living with Mexicans and watching football matches with a gang of Mexicans (not a real gang just like a lot of them, so like a large gathering of Mexicans... oh fooey, you know what I mean) 


The only downside about the game THE HEAT… 

and DUDE SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! not just Sunday but it’s every day now. Even afternoon thunderstorms don’t do anything to bring down the temp. (I swear 10 minutes after the rain stops the ground is perfectly dry... not to mention I can FEEL the heat THROUGH the soles of my shoes)

Yeah, HAWTNESS soooooooooooooo not conducive to cuteness… I haven’t been able to wear much makeup the last 2 months and it’s only the beginning of summer… seriously eyelids and upper lips are not suppose to be able to sweat this much (or at all)… 

I look like a frikkin Twilight vampire 
my sticky, sweaty skin with a sheen of sweat
is all 

that is just rude and gross


For the first time since I’ve moved here I truly feel like myself… with all my new friends and being out of the house it really has improved my spirits… I know I’ve been every shade of grey probably since Christmas but if you've been reading you know just how much missing my family has done to my poor lil ♥... and if you don't then I don’t know what to tell you… it took some getting used to.

Right now it’s not necessarily the people I’ve met or the things I’ve been doin but the feelin of being more myself... like the me I was at home… ugh obviously I’m not explaining myself very clear

Anywho… maybe the first year is the hardest and I just had to get past it.

Currently I’m looking for a job and will be sending out resumes… but if you’re not fluent the pickins’ are awfully slim…

Also there is the issue of IF I DO get a job NOW will they let me go home later this year like I would like to… hmmmmmm

Right now I’m just enjoying school and people… I’ve been slackin in the seeing the fam bam area but I can’t go for too long without seeing them, I’d go through withdrawal or something hahaha and I’m sure if I don’t call someone will…

I miss my Uncle Henry and Auntie… I didn’t want to bug them too much before the wedding because I know they were super duper uber busy, hopefully things have all settled down.

for this post I'll leave you with this piece of cuteness brought to you by my Pops:

got him on the phone… then after a good chat 
with the blah blah blah’s… as we’re saying our good bye’s, I miss you’s, he tells me to be sweet, and then this is what comes out of his mouth…

You know, now that I’m retired, all I do is wait for you to call.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww’s x infinity… I ♥ my daddy…

I cried when I got off the phone… I know people thinks it’s weird that my dad is one of my best friends but he is… and you’re wondering if I tell him everything, the answer is yes… maybe not so much about boys because he just might hurt them but yes pretty much everything.

oh YEAH pictures from the game! 
and other random shiz!!

my McChicken's in CHINESE
ommmmm nom nom nom
I forget which country this was
Flora Expo '11
Flora Expo '11
Flora Expo '11
From the outside
Flora Expo '11
ohhhhhh heeeeeeey yalll
it was pretty good actually
hittin up all the sample tables at the
Food Expo '11
it's a hot chick dressed in POPCORN
quick take a pic 
carrots are awesome
nearly shattered my world 10 minutes later
when the dude climbed out of the suit
all I really wanted to do was go all Godzilla on this cracker village
it took a lot of restraint
but I walked away
Outside of the NangGang Exhibition Hall
E.T. phone home?!?!
I made super ramen
fried slice of ham
fried egg
bok choy
squid balls
and dumplings
UNAGI anyone?!
@ Watami
new friends
you can see 101 from
anywhere in town 
yay for marching bands
and ugly uniforms! 
Taipei Arena
singing the national anthem
to which I know NONE of the words 
together we make one whole Taiwanese person
good times

for whenever your reading this good morning/good afternoon/good night ily ♥ thanks

Ali 艾俐

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So, This is me...

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I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥