Monday, April 5, 2010

29 down... 185 to go

I would like to start this blog by thanking my sister, Jenn, for sending me a much needed boost of support and love. I hope that her trip to Kenya was rewarding and fulfilling.

I know that she loves and believes in me. Her faith in me gives me strength and I love her more everyday for it. ♥

I think I should start posting more... there are major time lapses between my posts... my bad! And I'm also sorry for throwing the biggest pity party ever and the lapse in confidence. It wasn't like me and I'm over it, promise! Girl Scouts Honor!

My mom and I are finally making our way to the consulate in the city on Tuesday! I'll be excited to get some answers. I feel like I've had to wait forever for this visit before we can move forward. But hey, you know what they say! Slow motion's better than no motion!

I must admit not having my tickets and a date set has been the cause of all my anxiety. Not having my tickets made me feel like at any moment my idea of moving could just stay an idea. I am still a little ehhh about not having my tickets yet but I'm hopeful that once we go to the consulate on Tuesday we will at least have a heading and things can get rolling from there.

As far as I know the possible dates of departure are June 24th or the 28th (we're waiting on a weekday so it'll be cheaper) ... this means that I have a little less than 3 months to get all my shiz straight.

Besides going to the consulate I will also be clearing out the attic to make room for storing my stuff... I will also need to start sorting through my belongings as well. The more I think about it the more I believe that it shouldn't be TOO hard to get rid of my stuff... some things i just hold onto because I don't have the heart to throw it away.

I've also started to tackle the traditional radicals and I've got the first 29 down...
Okay, okay... so there ARE 214 but I managed to get those first 29 down in a day so I think I'm going to be okay. =)

As I've said before my mom gave me a manly man name... my name might as well have been Mr. Manly Mann...
At this point I would like to end this blog thanking Monica Platt. It's
because of her nickname for me that we've settled on my Chinese name. Yesterday my mom, aunt and myself finally settled on a name that everyone seemed to like. The pinyin is Chou Ai Li (sounds like: zhou-eye-lee). It's actually super cute because when I introduce myself it's going to sound like I Love You. And of course I will be using my mothers last name Chou....

1 comment:

  1. I ADORE YOU! I love your new name, you ARE Love so it's perfect :) You can send me all your stuff, I keep everything! I still have the bears you sent me, the UC Santa Cruz bear I sleep with every night. :) Big Hugs to a super awesome sis!


So, This is me...

My photo
I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥