Saturday, October 2, 2010

DAY 30

awwwww don't be TOO sad yalll.... this might be the last post for the 30 day Challenge... but it wont be the last post for GoneandSaidit ;)

I seriously didn't think I'd make it through the challenge... I did miss that one day but I'd say over all, it was a success... and of course the last day of the challenge is here...

DRUMROLL***************** and the question IS

[but you should have known that since I posted the list of questions before I started =P]

wahhhhahahhahahhaa how the hell am I suppose to answer that?!?!
The only way I know how to answer that question is by simply saying...
I know I am not who I was 20 years ago. Nor am I who I was 10 years ago or 5 or even one year ago. I am not who I was yesterday of just a moment ago, just then or then or then or then or just a second ago...

However long or short the time is I am constantly changing, growing, learning, blah blah blah hahaha.
So even I was to tell you who I am it would only be applicable for a mere moment in the expanse of moments that fill my life.

I know that for this answer I should receive a failing grade but I have no idea what else to say. Even if I was to list all the things I think make me me it wouldn't even matter... because who I am and how I see myself might not be the same as how you perceive me...

so I open it up to you... I am asking you...
[and please... no corny responses... real talk... if I don't see at least one response that says... Alicia is a hard ass, demanding hooker (give or take a bad name)... I will be very disappointed!]

1 comment:

  1. Alicia is a genius with words, or maybe the reincarnation of Dr. Seuss. ;)


So, This is me...

My photo
I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥