Thursday, March 3, 2011


The cool thing about Taiwan hair salons are that all services come with a massage and something to drink. (well obviously idk if ALL of them do but everyone I've talked to said that they get that when they get they hair did)

Too bad I don't like massages. I always turn them down... yeah, yeah I know I'm weird.


One of my favorite parts of making a trip out to the salon is getting my hair washed... it's sooooooo comfy! If it wasn't for the occasional splash of water I'd prolly fall asleep. hehehe

During the last visit, while my stylist was suddsing up my mop I had a thought (unfortunate but they do happen sometimes...) "With my head at this angle she can probably see straight up my nose" then I thought... "oh gosh, I hope I don't have any bats in my cave..."

true story

1 comment:

  1. No massages and bats in the cave, eh?... sometimes you worry me, cuz. ;)


So, This is me...

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I love my family, my friends, food, music, books, and chocolate... that's pretty much it! ♥